Privacy Policy

We have the desire to fully comply with the requirements of standards established by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. Find in the following sections the process of processing your data.


Each site user acknowledges having read and accepted this privacy policy at the same time as he accepted the general conditions of use of the site. If the user disagrees with these terms, it is free not to use the site and do not provide any personal data.

This personal data protection policy applies to our website and the data collected there.


Article 1 | Data gathering

We collect the personal data you provide us with when you create an account or order. You may have to give us your name, delivery and billing addresses, phone numbers, email addresses. When you buy a product on our site, we collect information on your order such as the products purchased, when and where you bought it, what type of payment you used. We keep this data for the authorized legal duration relating to the reasons why they were collected.

When you browse our website we can also collect anonymous data such as the type of device you have used to go to the site, the browser used, your navigation behavior such as the number of pages you have visited and Information on how you arrived on the site: for example via a search engine or by clicking on an advertisement. We can also collect your IP address.

When you register in our newsletter, participate in a competition, respond to a customer survey or participate in promotions we can collect your personal information or comments or contributions when answering questions. We can collect the details of any communication by email that we send you and that you open or on which you click, links on which you click inclusive. We can collect any information you give us when you contact us by email, telephone, postal mail or social networks.

When you submit your personal data your consent is requested so that we use it for the reasons highlighted in this privacy policy and in our general conditions of sale. We only collect the information you give us: if you do not want us to collect your personal data, please do not provide us with this type of information. The information we ask for you in order to process an order is essential for this processing: if you do not provide this information we reserve the right not to accept your order.


Article 2 | Use of your data

We mainly use them to respond to your requests or to regularly send you news and information on our products that can arouse your interest via a newsletter.


Article 3 | Newsletter Sign-Up

Registration for the newsletter is done either by filling out the newsletter registration form, or by checking the box "I wish to receive news and exclusive offers" when you enter your contact details at the time of the Information Contact stage. , In this case, you accept that maximum processes and uses the data you have entered to inform you by Newsletter, sent by e-mail, of our company's news.

You can return to this consent at any time by sending an email to In this case, the data you have entered will be deleted and will no longer be used for sending newsletters. When you send a newsletter, you also have the possibility of clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletter.


Article 4 | Sharing your data

No, we never communicate your personal data to other commercial companies, with the exception of our service providers (in particular logistics). We work with carefully selected providers who manage certain services on our behalf, such as delivery of orders, paying processing, accommodation and development of our website, sending emails. These companies can process your personal data in order to carry out the services requested in our name. When we have to transfer personal data to countries outside the European Economic Space we make sure that the appropriate security measures are in place.


Article 5 | Use of cookies

We use Google Analytics on our site, a Google Inc. service ("Google") allowing us to collect attendance statistics from our site. Google Analytics uses what are called "cookies" or text files which are saved on your computer and which allow the same to carry out an analysis of your use of the website. Are entered through this, for example, information relating to the operating system, the browser, your IP address, the site you have previously viewed (referring URL) as well as the date and time of your visit to our website . These cookies never contain nominative information or to identify a user.

The default parameters of internet browsers are usually set to accept cookies, but you can easily change this by changing your browser settings. You can oppose the recording of cookies by configuring your internet browser. For more information, you can consult the CNIL website "" using the keyword "Cookies" in the search engine.


Article 6 | Safety of your data

Your personal data is stored in our databases we attach great importance to data security. We aim to always keep your personal data in the safest and most secure manner, and only during the duration necessary to carry out the purpose pursued by the treatment.


Article 7 | Your rights over your data

In general, your nominative data (name, address, email) is never used without your consent. If you had the feeling that this is the case, or simply if you have changed your mind, you can oppose that your data is used for commercial prospecting purposes, asking us to modify or completely delete this data. You can exercise this right at any time by sending an email for example to the following address: